by Liz Marshall
I have a little boiler in the kitchen
It hangs quite neatly right behind the door
In Summer it just manages hot water
In Winter I require rather more
It keeps the radiators running hotly
It fills the bath with water, piping hot
The power shower is my very favourite
I’d say I like it quite a very lot
The boiler shows the temperature in numbers
That are red and glowing bright so that I know
Just how hot the water’s heating up inside it
But then one day the boiler said FO
To say that it felt rude is understatement
The bally thing just packed up, wouldn’t go
No glowing numbers and the house was freezing
I felt I had the meaning of FO
I rushed upstairs to try and find the manual
To check the meaning of this F and O
To find out why it really wasn’t working
To see if I could try and make it go
The booklet said the boiler had no pressure
A thing it really needs so it can go
It said if I just added some more water
Then that would soon get rid of big FO
I rummaged in the tool box in the kitchen
At last I found the implement required
I reached my hand up, deep inside the boiler
And screwed until the bleeder finally fired
The moral of this complicated ditty
Is, when I see lights flashing on and off
Make sure I give the boiler a good screwing
Or it might tell me I can just f***off
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