They're funny things, these weblogs.
On one level - very simple and straightforward. Just a nice little diary to fill in from time to time. The problems are all to do with the public nature of them.
I could, so easily, just write my journal at home and leave it at that - but I don't. As my wife is fond of saying: "You do so enjoy exposing yourself." She's a lovely lady, my wife, and not one to speak rubbish.
Do I enjoy it? Well, yes and no. I realise this is a bit rich from someone with an online Blog and six webcams, but there it is. (Oh that's a surprise is it? Try I suppose it comes down to this. If there is no-one to even potentially hear what I say, then I find little point in saying it. The really tantalising thought is that I may say some stuff along the way that actually helps someone - thus turning obvious self-indulgence into something finer.
I read quite a few other blogs and I rarely see real stuff in there. Some people are totally on soap boxes, others glorying in some life-governing hobby. Being a natural voyeur, I like the little gems that are out there - blogs that give me an insight into who other people really are, and how they think. Much more fascinating than some overblown northerner holding forth on the Hutton enquiry.
Anyway, I think I've made my point, or at least said enough to give you the impression that I've my point, or at least a point.
Time for some work...or maybe the quickest of Daily Statii.
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