Shock horror! Church holds Christian singing service featuring also some talk about God.
Yes, I know this sounds a little ridiculous, but it's true. Woodhorn Church, near our beloved Newbiggin, no longer functions as a working church and it's future is in some doubt. So, it being a truly remarkable building, the "Friends of Woodhorn Church" we're formed as an active group looking to find positive ongoing uses for the grade one listed building that would guarantee its use and safety in the years to come.
These last ten days have featured some of the most successful events yet. The concert a week last Saturday was a triumph, featuring five great singing acts and yesterday's 'Songs of Praise' was, in effect, the closing ceremony for an awesome flower festival.
I had the honour of playing the piano for this sell-out event and I was blown away to see the church packed to the rafters. More literally than you might imagine.
If you're in the Ashington area and are not involved on any level with this project, you really are missing out on a uniquely good thing. I'm so glad I have the health and strength to play my part.