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September 11, 2008


fave sis michelle

I know exactly what you are on about being recently separated, but things do get better. I to have been divorced once and dont really know where the second marriage is going for now, butone has to try and stay strong, even if it takes a trip to the doctors for some kind of help. You have good friends out there and Im sure they will understand what you are going through. It just takes time and one will heal a little to get out there and start again....

Tim the Enchanter

I understand... I care about you... I'm here.

suzy colebeck

Hi Andy, good to hear your voice albeit via blogging. You are very honest and you will get through this time, you have great friends and life will be good again one day.
Lots of love


Manly Hug


No one will understand, but many will relate to how you feel and I am one of those. xxx




Sorry to hear you are so low, Andy. You know where I/we are if you need us.

Mark and Therese


Andy the only way is up now my Friend


Hope better times are ahead xxx


Prompt me please, where is it possible to find in the internet information about treatment of eczema?
With kind regards, BEA

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