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« So very sweet... | Main | Bonnie McMuffin »

June 17, 2008


Bitova Loon

Good to see your having a blast .. Hopefully the legs will sort out soon and you'll be out and about again soon. Welcome to the Awesome Accent Club ;)


Ah the legs - yes - let's just hope they're having a 'bitofamoan' cos of the flight and that they will repair to their 'normal' level of excruciating pain soon.
Thank you for keeping the rest of us awesome accenters in the loop - we only nag cos we love you, you know that don't you?


Andy Hope the legs are better soon,

Then you can enjoy yourself all the more

You Awesome fella :)


It must be nice knowing that you can take it all at your own pace, glad to hear that a bit of tlc has been thrown in, can't imagine how much that would cost at a hotel. Hope you feel better soon.

Liz Curtis

Here's praying that the infection will clear up very soon if not immediately.
Makes me feel happier knowing that Bonnie is looking after you too. Thank you Bonnie.


Play Misty for me??????

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