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June 14, 2008



Thanks for this Andy. I think that you have advanced Anglo-American relations with this post alone. I feel like I've lived in America now. Do they have Cabbage Wabbage, Potato Watoes, Sprouty Wouties and the completely necessary Peasy Weasy?


And here I've been eating plain ol' broccoli without the wokly all these years... I feel like such a fool.


Most enlightening.
Of all the foolish fripperies you might have shared with us in your first post about your momentous visit to a foreign land - you didn't go there... instead you shared with us - some pre-packed vegetables.


Mmmmmmm. Pre-packages vegetables...

Tim the Enchanter

Had any grits, Hershey bars or gumbo yet Andy?


I love boil in the bag fishy wishy, but not too sure on the veggie weggie. BTW did Princess Charming awake you from your 100 hour sleep?

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