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June 10, 2008


Liz Curtis

Absolutely brilliant. I couldn't be more delighted that you got there safely and in such style.
Hope you have a spiffing time in Lexington Park. I shall look it up on google maps.

Liz Curtis

Absolutely brilliant. I couldn't be more delighted that you got there safely and in such style.
Hope you have a spiffing time in Lexington Park. I shall look it up on google maps.
BTW - which airport is it in the photo?


Couldn't be happier that you had such a good experience on the flight. Now go and enjoy America, for heaven's sake!!!! Can't wait to see pctures of where you are. I can't even imagine what it's like in America like the way you'll experience it - as opposed to the touristy way. You're LIVING there aren't you, not being a tourist. There's a subtle difference. Hope you have a superb time - take care.


Excellent. Well done God.


Fantastic, such a relief, enjoy everything moment and don't hold back. Lots of Love xxx

Bitova Loon

Andy in USA .. LOL .. it'll never be the same again ... have fun matey and try and get online


Aw shucks - I know you wanted it to be boring, but really you make it sound very exciting - and you leave us at such a nail biting soon you scoundrel. Miss you already :-)

Bitova Loon

Washington airport and those silly "buses" do they still do them between the airports and stand ????

Come on Andy ... we need updates on your trip ;)


Great news Andy, I really hope you have a fab trip...I will look forward to reading the blog and seeing what you are up to, so much more interesting than adding content to a website CMS system!

R x

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