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February 06, 2008


Tim the Enchanter

Welcome back Andy.... and thanks!


I really really like it....


Andy it's your Blog, Say what you Want to say (Is that not what Blogs are for) If people dont like what you say, They dont have to read your blog.You go for it mate be as honest as you want


Great, I understand some of that and agree with your sentiments. I may just follow you down the road.
Well done on the Arts forum success, I know how proud I am of the work Rebecca does in the community and I hope you enjoy it as much as she does.

fave sis michelle

I dont always comment but like to read what you blog. Well done on the arts forum have fun......


How's about a new picture to go with the new you? Or a real picture to go with the real you?
Or a nice picture to go with the 'nice' you?
I'll stop now.


This is great. I have a similar goal of being authentic and not censoring myself. It's a real challenge.

John Cooper

I have totally fallen out of love with the world of blogging, for the very reasons you've stated. I'd rather spend more time being me - than talking about being me. Someone sent me an email the other day saying that r"ather than tidying the house in case someone came round, we should spend the time doing something interesting which we could talk about if someone came round" - I think that's what I feel about blogging.

This being said, it's testament to your high standard of post's, and the times you really moved me by what you've posted, that yours is the blog I still visit.

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