Jason, dear Jason, lovely Jason gave me a lovely smashing and wonderful thing the other day.
My very own personal Stylophone.
Happily these musical classics, made famous by Rolf Harris, have been resurrected by some kind soul, and now anyone with a thoughtful and generous friend can have one.
It has not one, but three exciting sounds, as well as an MP3 player input, so we can play along with our favourite tunes. All of that, and the original fantastic vibrato function. It's a curious meeting of old and new technology.
I'm made up.
Ever since I sat excitedly in my great-grandfather's front room and watched him unwrap his original Stylophone, back in whatever year it was when I was so very young, I have wanted one. I even had the grace and sensitivity to ask him if I could have his when he died - which I figured had to be pretty soon because was was totally old.
He was a kind, tired old man, and I think he had learned the wisdom of agreement no matter what, and so he nodded and patted my head, thus making me a happy little fellow.
Well, you can just imagine my joy on hearing of his death. I can never be sure whether I actually punched the air when I received the news of his recent demise, but I was certainly overjoyed. It was glee that sadly turned to abject despair, when it became apparent that no-one either knew or cared where the Stylophone was. For some reason completely beyond me, they seemed to think there were other matters of great import. Baffling.
And so it was that I never got my Stylophone. Till now.
Thank you Jason - I consider it a bonus that it was not necessary for you to die and leave me yours.
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