To pick up where I left off, eventually the gush of presents ebbed to a gentle flow and finally dried up entirely. TL was the last to unwrap a present, as she received so many from her pupils.
I found it a source of intense pride that they loved her so much that they wanted to give her gifts. It was then explained to me that all teachers receive gifts from their pupils, but I hardly think a hated teacher would receive many presents - no matter what the tradition. So, having defended my stance, I went back to my feelings of pride. TL is not just a good teacher, she is a LOVED teacher. Money can't buy that.
We then moved on to the food side of celebrating - and very excellent it was too. TL produced the bulk of it, although a special mention is due to the turkey, who gave his life in a good cause.
So, great chunks of turkey, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, carrots, peas, sprouts (of course!), cabbage, pigs in blankets (little sausages wrapped in bacon and then roast), home made bread sauce, cranberry sauce, stuffing and the most excellent home made gravy.
The only other addition was the mushroom and sweet pepper bake I made for Ruth, to satisfy her craving for non-meaten things. I chose to top it with wholemeal breacrumbs mixed with cheese - and we all agreed it was pretty good. Especially with turkey.

We then launched into a frenzy of relaxing in front of the TV. It was sublime. "Transformers - The Movie" certainly hit the spot. This intricate romantic comedy featured sophisticated character development and several unexpected plot twists. It was everything I hoped it would be.
More seriously, the soundtrack was utterly awesome, and I very much enjoyed listening to our newly resuscitated surround sound system. It was utterly relentless, and probably too loud, but what the heck. This is Christmas.
We rounded off the day with a dose of Hot Fuzz, the Simon Pegg classic, which has set the standard for comedy cop movies without really trying. The guy is frighteningly talented.
And so to bed.
...and then to waken.
Boxing Day!
Almost before the day began it was 11.30am - and time for the Boxing Day dip, where staunch, stupid and sturdy village residents (and Ed!) throw themselves into the freezing sea for no readily apparent reason.
Almost catching us unawares, they sounded the horn at 11.26am and into the icy briny thy did lunge. They had no fear, they were brave, they were untroubled by the cold seawater - they were invincible!
They returned to shore immediately.
Ed professed it not to have been the coldest water he'd been in, and yet I noticed he didn't linger to play with his frisbee, camera or maybe lilo.

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