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November 19, 2007


Mr. Mavin

Thanks Andy ... what was it you wanted on your Epitaph again????

Tim the Enchanter

These people are not drunk, as you presume.


It's been nice knowing you. See ya!


I can't understand what the problem is here - it's a rugged and honest account of a Soul Band struggling against impossible odd and in the face of a very long wait to perform.

I find it inspiring and truly great. Shame on those who cannot take it as it was intended.


It looks like a giant game of cluedo, it was the bass player, in the green room with the saxaphone.


The initial image is a scene we are all familiar with, especially in terms of the person.

Mr. Mavin

Ian, No. Miss a turn ... or is that another game ...

Liz Curtis

I want to buy Piccadilly Circus!

Mr. Mavin

£220 please

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