The dizzying stripy dress which Wendy Gibson adorned her delicate frame with.
I couldn't resist a little Gibson-based art...
I was a late addition to the list of attenders to the WBA, but ended up having an interesting time. The highlight for me was actually meeting Wendy Gibson. She may not be an international A-list celebrity, but she is, none the less, someone who I have watched regularly on TV, and it is always fascinating to see what people look like in reality.
She is, of course, tiny. Like most TV people I have met, she is normally proportioned, but absolutely tiny. That said, she is a ball of graceful energy, and utterly professional. She discharged her duties superbly well and fully deserved whatever she was paid. Without her, the evening would have suffered greatly.
It was nice, also, to see the video clips I had been working so hard on projected onto a rather large screen. Good to see how well the quality stood up against such a severe test. Very gratifying.
The lady herself, from the front this time.
Black top, warm features and bushy eyebrows - and Joan looked OK too.
The hall looked fantastic really.
So, there it was. An enjoyable evening, even though I was filming and therefore officially working. I am sure the awards will return for a second year - bigger, brighter and better than this time. I wish them well.
In attending a function like this, I also realize that this is all about a world I hardly know how to exist in. I love my work and I love my friends. I don't have much of a feel for this corporate world. It's very foreign to who I am and how I live my life. I'm glad they're there, though - being corporate and suited and smashing in all sorts of sherried ways.
I agree about Wendy. She was/is superb. And I also agree about the 'corporate world' thing. Don't QUITE feel at home with all that.
Lovely pictures Andy.
Posted by: Tim the Enchanter | October 02, 2007 at 01:15 PM
Andy are you my mums toy boy haha lovely pic
Posted by: fave sis michelle | October 05, 2007 at 07:43 PM