I really did.
Lots of interesting things to do with life - and all sort of other smashing and fascinating reflections.
Instead, all I seem to be able to manage is this picture:
And these words: 20 Years ago, a 1GB drive looked like this.
Note the guy holding out his 1Gb SD card, by way of contrast.
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! The old one looks so big. And the new one looks so tiny. Weren't people from the past stupid. Is it because in the past people's hands were much bigger, and everything needed to be that size so that they could be operated properly. In the future will we even ba able to see anything, because at that rate, 1GB drives will soon measure only a trillionth of a micron across. Fortunately by then our tiny evolving hands will still be able to pick them up easily, but I just worry that our vision won't be up to the job. Which would be counter productive.
Posted by: Jason | September 27, 2007 at 07:29 AM
Good lawd - I thought the old one was a drum kit!
Posted by: Jac | September 28, 2007 at 07:24 PM