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July 06, 2007



I am in awe of your review......




All around my hat I will wear the green ribbon ... Did they sing that one? Only Steel eye dan song I can remember. And who's the wrong speller?? Me I guess??


The articulation of your musical knowledge.


Well, in that case, thank you!

Amidst such Steely Dan gurus as Jason and Paul Hooper, I actually feel quite unworthy. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to borrowing some of their opinions. :)


Ahh well, possession is nine tenths of the law.


I suppose seeing one of my all time fav bands before meeting my maker wouldn't have been all that bad. They were fab fab and extremely fab. Even though they didn't play Western World. I now need to see the Eagles. Oh and Genesis.

Mr. Mavin

Thank Andy ... I still have a long wait for my chance to see them ... and a % and a half hour car journey. Shame they didnt do "All Around my hat"

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