Here, the “King of the Isles” gently steams out of Oban
After a long, and ultimately successful, drive up to Oban the previous night we arose early to our “cereal only” breakfast and made our way to the ferry terminal.
The dullness of Oban was soon to be replaced by the sunshine I have come to expect on Tiree. The journey was a joy. We even had live folk music and a talk about the Hebrides from a paid heritage lady who also regaled us with her violin playing skills. She sang a few songs and was brave and interesting and all the things Liz and I reflected that we were not.
Now today makes all this feel like, and be, yesterday - but more of that later. First, let us take some time to be opn the isle of Tiree, before relentlessly telling you about it.
It makes sense, if you stop to think about it.
Feeling mildly envious already....
Posted by: Tim the Enchanter | July 24, 2007 at 01:47 PM
lucky couple - wish I was with you, but having said that, right now I'm in an exceptionally good Indian restaurant in Southall enjoying a cool Kingfisher and a hot lamb shaahi - so I'm not doing too badly really. say hi to Colin and Susan - and of course Ian 'my wife does all the sauces' Tainsh. xxx
Posted by: jason thompson | July 24, 2007 at 07:38 PM
Not feeling too envious ... but missing Northumberland - a bit!!!
Posted by: colinwoodcock | July 26, 2007 at 12:35 AM
Escapism, I can only dream.....have a great time. No mildly envious here...very.
Posted by: Rebecca | July 26, 2007 at 09:18 AM