I know many people hate change, no matter what the change is, but neither does this mean that all change is good. Our gym in NBTS is being improved, or so they say. We lose it for two weeks, and then it returns with all-new equipment.
The only thing is we then have to buy a new key-fob which keeps track of us and the time we spend on each piece of equipment. I somehow suspect that it will attempt to tell me how to live my life, or at the very least react with considerable disdain about my choice of exercise routine.
I wonder if there is a way to tell it that leg exercise will cause more pain than I consider to be reasonable?
The other change is one I really thought I'd like - the smoking ban.
This is a wonderful thing which prevents people from smoking inside pubs and clubs. Fantastic!
The only trouble is that they now come outside and make our pavements and streets rich with the odour of tobacco smoke. For us, living next door to a club and over the road from a pub, it is a real trial. Now people come outside and smoke underneath our window - the smell is never far away.
The cigarette stubs are strewn all over the road in front of our house and we often find beer glasses on our window sills.
Last night, a man opened our letterbox and unleashed a special blessing through it. One of our neighbours saw him do it.
It really does feel like it is time to leave. I just hope and pray it will soon be possible in some way or other.
I like the smoking ban! but I can imagine that if I lived where you did I would no doubt hate it as well, it might be worth reporting your incidences to the local police every time it happens who may in turn mention it to the pub and club. I am sure it is still illegal as it is affecting your life and encroaching on your home.
Posted by: Ed | July 08, 2007 at 09:03 PM
I like the smoking ban too. Even if we could get the outside of the house to be smoke free, who would or could enforce it? Nice thought though.
Posted by: Liz Curtis | July 09, 2007 at 07:54 AM
I believe it is certainly very illegal to release a 'special blessing' through someones' letterbox! What's the matter with people. This whole country's going to the dogs. It makes my blood boil this sort of thing!
Sorry. Got a bit carried away there. I'm OK now.
But seriously, get the fuzz in.
Posted by: Tim the Enchanter | July 09, 2007 at 02:08 PM
I have no words of wisdom or comfort, except I agree with Tim and I could offer you wisdom and comfort, when they arrive....
Seriously, you have no other avenue.
Posted by: Rebecca | July 09, 2007 at 04:40 PM
I think moving is about the best if not only thing you can do. Can't see the police being a lot of help. It's not illegal to smoke on the street. You could try getting a vicious dog.(!) Hope the opportunity to move comes soon for you.
Posted by: Angela | July 09, 2007 at 11:16 PM
Got a suggestion - if they wee on your door and you catch them - then get water and spray it at them. Like wise - get some nice window type boxes - when they smoke - water them but spill it by accident in the smokers general direction.....
I am also in favour of the smoking ban, I did always want a smoke free wedding and thought I might have trouble on my hands trying to enforce this - thankfully the government did this for me.....
Posted by: ruth | July 10, 2007 at 06:51 PM
get a vicious dog that attacks things that come through the letter box? I'm thinking home alone style booby traps!
Posted by: Louise | July 10, 2007 at 10:21 PM