I saw this scene today and took 14 pictures of it and made some software stick them all together.
I implore you to click on the image to see a larger and far more smashing version. This island of Tiree is truly beautiful, and a little bit magical. It has been a privilege to be here and meet two very lovely people in Colin and Sue. Waxing lyrical? You bet I am.
This place looks amazing Andy, The water is so clear!Is it warm enough to go for a swim?
Posted by: Barry | June 11, 2007 at 10:20 AM
Well there's big surfing scene up there, Barry, so I guess so. I saw a couple of people take a dip. They have the benefit of the gulf stream being on the west of Scotland.
I didn't risk it myself, but feel free to give it a go if you like. :)
Posted by: AndyC | June 12, 2007 at 11:12 AM