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May 03, 2007



He did actually give a litle old lady a treat this week; when he taught her how to play poker and she won £1000.


That's right - well spotted Claire. And he never uses stooges. The members of the public are there to make the subject feel like they're in a normal situation, but these actors are never part of the trick, and the effects are always on someone who doesn't know what's going to happen. If Deren were to read your blog it would make him cry, Andy. Is that what you want?


Oh, I dunno - in the Russian roulette, I think he admitted that the guy was in on it.


Yes, I'd like to see him cry. Like a little girl. That would be so healing for me.

Tim the Enchanter

I admire the typography on that card....clever!


That guy wasn't in on it in Russian Roulette, although he just about admitted he was using blanks.


We're going to so the trickster on Sunday. We'll let you know how tricky he really is!

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