This is a screen capture of the quickie web site I did to sell my CD.
I first got into relaxation music when i realised that most of what was available was pretty useless. I mean, I actually find the sound of whale-song to be rather haunting and disturbing. Other stuff was full of crass synth noises and equally stress-inducing.
So my challenge was to produce some sounds and textures which genuinely aided relaxation in the fullest possible way. I pinched a few ideas from the world of hypnotherapy, a few more from my father who is an experienced pyschotherapist and put them together with what I knew about crafting sound.
The result is an album called "MindWorks". If you take a listen to a couple of the tracks, preferably all of them, you'll see how interesting the music really is. It is designed to relax you - despite how you might feel, and it works. By the time you have sat down and carefully listened to a couple of the tracks, your heart-rate will fall and you will experience a genuine state of relaxation.
It's like Derren Brown, but without the talking and trickery. How did I do it? Well, I'll gladly share my secrets with you if you are interested. I seem to discover that most people are not actually interested in how, preferring to delight instead in the results. Fair enough.
In response to various people who have requested copies for use at home, in counselling, or in a religious context I have decided to put a web site up where people can order a copy online with a credit card. If you're curious about the music there are some extracts to listen to, although to experience the full effect you need to listen to the complete tracks.
Is this all bollocks? No. I'm very serious about this project and I plan a second volume once I have recovered some capital from the first. That said, the money means a lot less than the warm expressions of gratitude I have received from people who use the disc regularly as an aid to relaxation.
If you fancy visiting the site, here is the URL:
I use it in school when the class does its massage. The kids love it and it has a very calming influence on them.
Posted by: Liz Curtis | March 18, 2007 at 10:26 PM
I use it at work, when I am alone in the shop and with the customers, they are all relaxed when they leave.
Posted by: Rebecca | March 19, 2007 at 01:04 PM