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January 23, 2007



It's got to be really baltic like before we get snow. Especially being just a stone's throw from the sea ... but who knows. We got quite a lot last year one weekend and took the boys on the beach and had a snowball fight ... now that was cold but damn good fun also....

fave sis michelle

when do the gritters come out just at the right time....... erm NEVER! Alyssia is waiting patiently for snow here in yorkshire as she cant wait to build a snowman.............. she may have a long wait


I had a friend who lived at Percy's farm cos her dad worked there and her mother was a teacher at the middle/first school(?) Mrs Rogerson (Remember Jason, Toni?) They moved to Hartburn about 30 years ago. I went trhough a coupla times but lost touch, as often happens. They lived at a small farm with a clock tower in the courtyard. If ever we go to Wallington I ask David to slow down so I can see if I can still see the clock tower, but no. He likes his speed ... Apologies for digressing a little


I absolutely love knee deep snow its fantastic - but not outside my front door. Actually not in my street either, or even Ashington Drive....... but I DO REALLY LOVE IT!


I absolutely love knee deep snow its fantastic - but not outside my front door. Actually not in my street either, or even Ashington Drive....... but I DO REALLY LOVE IT!

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