I have learned to enjoy it when I get surprised by someone. For one thing, it doesn't happen too often and for another it is one of the few things that stops me feeling jaded and cynical.
Such a surprise came from Celebrity Big Brother's Dirk Benedict, who held forth on the subject of “Letting Go” in a delightful and engaging way yesterday. I'm not sure I have ever listened to something on Big Brother which I found directly interesting before, previous Big Brother learnings have always revolved around things to avoid at all cost, or maybe what not to throw at any given time.
So what did he say that so enchanted me? It was this:
[Talking about life and love and death]
“It's all about getting and letting go. when we breathe in, we breathe out - if we don't, we die. The more graceful you get in letting go, the higher you get. Letting go is what it's all about, letting go of your children, letting go of broken love, letting go of success, letting go of money and eventually letting go of your life and moving on.
When you really love something then you're willing to let go immediately. It's new relationships when you cling and cling and you don't wanna let go because they bring you something that you need and you don't want to lose it. When you love them, you don't need them [in that way].”
Awesome, Dirk - plenty of food for thought there. I can't help but like him, and I thought I would hate him with a passion. The diametric opposite of Leo Sayer, who rarely fails to be a bore.
[Bore, n.: A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)]
So am I enjoying celebrity Big brother? Well, maybe. The thing is, I am watching it, so they have kinda won anyway.
Quite surprised to read about CBB on here, Andy. Last time I saw Dirk Benedict on tv was of a Saturday tea-time about 20 years ago. If you've got a problem, and nobody else can help, if you can find them, maybe you can hire .... Howling Mad was my favourite character. Might give CBB a look tonight seeing as it's been recommended (almost?)
Posted by: ange | January 12, 2007 at 12:29 PM
I liked what he said too. Very thought provoking.
Posted by: Liz Curtis | January 12, 2007 at 04:36 PM
Slightly more thought provoking and philosophical than pouring his whisky into the bin rather than let anyone else have some, like he did yesterday, apparently. Maybe he has difficulty letting go of the drink?
Posted by: Jason | January 12, 2007 at 06:00 PM
Jason: A pretty low-key strop on the day of his nomination. I think he reacted rather better than Leo - who could not face being voted out by the great British public who just "Like a bit of Leo".
Also Jo - who Dirk nominated - didn't even ask for the drink herself, preferring to invoke the power of Jade to demand precious alcohol. I hope I have the class to lose-it in such minimal way when I finally get asked onto the Big Brother 4 month weight loss special - in which 12 fatties fight it out to lose weight despite piles of chips and doughnuts everywhere.
I've said too much. Thanks for your comment Jason, it was very clever and lovely.
Posted by: AndyC | January 12, 2007 at 10:49 PM
stupid arse pouring his whisky into the bin...... silly Dirk, never mind I want Jade to win she's the winner.......and Leo what can I say what a tw.t oh sorry twit..... sooooooooo pathetic..
Posted by: Michelle | January 12, 2007 at 11:38 PM
I haven't seen any of it Andy but if they had some sort of weight loss thing ... would you go on?? Would take like tons courage I think ... Something Victoria Wood said ... after counselling she realised she'd been hiding behind her weight. I get to like 10 1/2 stone (i'm 5'6") and I know I've got to stop putting it on. Somewhere like weightwatchers or similar helps me so I know people can hear whether I've lost or not ... Problems lie deeper than just putting on weight .. it's like 'why do you need to eat' what else could you do instead .... blog, make music, draw, paint, fly a kite etc....
Tell me to fuck off if you want, I don't really know you at all but I care about how big you are .. think of you, you need to loose it, soon!!
Posted by: Angela | January 13, 2007 at 08:47 PM
I know it's none of my business ... I'm sorry for stickin' my oar in ... just care a bit ... that's all ..Ange
Posted by: Angela | January 13, 2007 at 09:00 PM
I wondered why Dirk had decided to enter this shallow world of celebrity misfits. Intrigued,I have been able to grab a few moments of CBB's, sorry fraudulent slip, CBBH and well he seems to be quietly earning some respect, but was the whisky selfish, maybe it was an act of unselfishness. I am going to try and breath with more awareness.
Posted by: Rebecca | January 14, 2007 at 03:25 PM
Thank you for the warm invitation to tell you to fuck off. I just worry that you're hiding behind your need to have people insult you...
Less unseriously: I hear you, Angela - and I am glad you felt you could speak your mind here. That's important. Thank you.
Posted by: AndyC | January 14, 2007 at 04:28 PM
Mm. I take criticism (not that I get much) easier than I take compliments (not that I get many of them either)!!
It's a funny life, ain't it??
Posted by: Angela | January 14, 2007 at 05:46 PM