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December 29, 2006



Personally, I would like to rethink entirely the way I've been celebrating Christmas. I'm not Christian, and my family isn't religious, but every year we do the traditional gathering and gift giving. I love the food and fun with family, but I hate giving gifts just because it's a certain time of year. It was delightful as a child, and I wouldn't want to change that for the world. For us as kids it was a holiday of fantasy and excitement, with Santa Claus and his surprises. But it never had any underlying religious meaning, and so now, as adults, when we keep doing the same thing, there's just nothing to it for me. I like the Christmas tree, but I'd be just as happy putting it up in June and celebrating randomly then. Or creating our own, new holiday, since it's simply a reason to be close to family, share good food and fun. That can be done anytime. But I don't know how to sell Mom on the idea, because she's into tradition, and doing things the way everyone else is doing them.

Though I'm not religious, I am loving and caring, and I think we'd do well to treat people with the compassion we do at Christmas all year round. I think it would be good to give people gifts on average days, not just Christmas, and to think about the homeless and the hungry in ways we tend to do mostly when it's Christmas, or here in the U.S., at Thanksgiving. I'm not big on saving up celebrations or kindness for special occassions. I wish we'd all have more Christmas spirit year-round. I'm thinking about throwing a big party on a silly little holidy no one celebrates, like Arbor Day or Flag Day, and using it as an excuse for being together with loved ones and appreciating life--without all the trappings of these big commercial holidays.

Sorry if I got off topic and rambled.


Ruby: Never apologise for speaking from the heart. It's cool.


I believe that people try to create the traditional 'Christmas Card'image of Christmas, all round the fire with the stockings and rosy cheeked children, dog etc.

I don't feel the pressure of Christmas, but some reason have always got really agitated at the people who do. If you crave perfection on any occasion or in any role, it just isn't going to happen and you end up disappointed.

So however, you celebrate Christmas, be it in a religious, family, as simply as a restful day or all of these things, remember, that basically it is a time, to take time out from other days of the year, it really can be as simple as that.

This year I painted, thanks Ian, as I would have just done housework, yes I really would have and that is where I feel pressure to create the perfect house and I am constantly disappointed.

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