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November 08, 2006



Thanks for this review Andy. I feel like a cross between Delia Smith, Nigella Lawson and Gordon Ramsay. And that's not pleasant.


Mmmmmm....two women in there.

I think I fancy Nigella more than you - but it was more of a competition than you might imagine.

Tim the Enchanter

The movie reminds me of an operation a la Holby City.

Liz Curtis

Do you notice, Antonia, that these men have their large breakfasts to which we're not invited? They call it a working breakfast.
Yeah, right.

fave sis michelle

Hmmmmmmmm (pondering thoughtfully) another initmate breakfast......... what else can I say

fave sis michelle

oops spelling error INTIMATE

fave sis michelle

me again I didnt see the vid but just watched it of the breakeeeeeee very sexy...... hada long day in school and just got in


When do I get a fab breakfast cooked by Jason?


Now I reckon John with all his culinary skills could surpass one of Jason's breakfasts. Could there be a 'best bloggers brekky challenge' in the waiting ...... but how to define the word 'best' ... mm??????????

PS I've never actually eaten anything John has cooked but I've seen him prepare and cook and heard him talk of it (sometimes/often/seldom/never). Oops and I've been on the red again.


One of the features of a really good breakfast, is that it should only be shared between two people.

This is because the cooking execution is adversely influenced by quantity.

So, if anyone else there fancies a breakfast exchange, I may be up for it.


You said you'd never leave me you total bitch.


They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Looks like Liz got it right there then, Andy. Sorry.

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