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November 10, 2006


fave sis michelle

This has got to be a one off, Pleasant staff, train on time, nice seat, air con on, luggage carried, hmmmmmmmmm I think he's heard about the breakfast's you and FLB have!!


And you are out the f.... county. Lucky you


Is Bristol famous for any kind of food item? If it is can you do an in-depth review of it please. Perhaps there's Bristol Pie, Bristol Bread or Bristol Soup. If not, can you tell us what Bristol is famous for please. Thanks. I hope you enjoy your time in lovely Bristol.

Tim the Enchanter


Liz Curtis

Yes, Andy. I think you should review all the Bristols you see.


I wish I could stop doing that...

fave sis michelle

It always comes back to the Bristols doesnt it!


It does, I have indeed enjoyed Bristols, more so since I stopped smoking.


Just shows you, that the british people have turned into the saddest people in the world when they still complain when they've had a great day.


Did I complain, Pete?

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