OK, I admit it. I watch it and find it compulsive viewing.
Although this year, having been attracted by the initial auditions I feel a bit like I've been suckered into a mock-auction.
I don't know whether Simon Cowell has picked the eventual winner yet, but I bet he has a final three in mind. His comments are often very fair, even if negative. But then, we see him “go for the jugular” after beautiful performances like Nikitta's tonight.
I can only assume that the judges agreed it was time to clear her out. As for me, I'm disillusioned. We seem to have a highly glitzy programme that bears little resemblance to a hard-fought competition.
So, we have the contestants who look good an have a great potential image - a nice commercial look. These people seem to get praise whatever they do. Then there are the great singers who do not have a good commercial look - these people seem to get insulted no matter how well they perform.
There is a lack of honesty at work, and a relentless search for safe commercialism. I sense a fear that someone will win who does not have ongoing success, and that this will reflect badly on the programme.
This whole talent search thing should be careful lest it disappear up it's own pert bottom.
But having 'the look' is part of being a succesful singer. More so if you are involved from the start in a program that is based on how many phone calls you get if:
A: grandma and Mrs Whaterface think you 'ave a loverley voice'
B: some useless teen thinks you look great and I really fancy him/her
Posted by: Ian | October 29, 2006 at 08:29 AM
I hear you, Ian. I suppose my central thought is that we have reached a stage where the judges are telling people that have performed extremely well that they have not performed well.
Any format which embraces and justifies lying to people should be taken to task, and that is what I am trying to do.
Posted by: AndyC | October 29, 2006 at 09:59 AM
Its been pants since the results of boot camp,but I continue to watch it in hope.
Posted by: Rebecca | October 29, 2006 at 05:18 PM