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September 20, 2006


Mr .Mavin

What an excellent idea! My life is almost complete.


Once again Andy, you have brought us excellent and interesting battery related news. I like this idea very much, and feel sure that it will be a winner. What about developing batteries that have an exterior case of solar panels so that you can just leave them in the sun to recharge. Or batteries that somehow get recharged when pushed up a pet's bottom - or perhaps a battery that becomes fully charged when sworn at or kissed? Maybe it's worth putting research money into batteries that have a degree of charge directly related to how mugh they're loved and/or appreciated? The possibilities are endless.

John Cooper

Does it give info on the MaH

Tim the Enchanter

So was our recent excursion into the land of rechargeables a wasted one Andy?


Jason - Thanks for your handy and useful comments.

John - Sadly, no. I want to know too. Maybe you could email them if there is a link on the site?

Tim - No, not at all. Imagine having to find eight empty USB slots to take all your batteries.

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