The most important factor in all of this barely contained irritation with Lorne Spicer, is that she needs to know that we can see through her tissue-thin veneer of professional genuineness.
Take this picture, for example. Click on it to expand, and look at her eyes without the “smile”. You can do this by placing a ruler over the screen to obscure her mouth. The truth is now plain to see. The eyes are not smiling.
What we are actually seeing is a facial contortion in the shape of a smile. I can only think that this means she does not enjoy her work on TV - and this is a shame, because she is very fortunate to get so much national TV airtime.
The BBC has a good armoury of excellent TV presenters now: Alistair Appleton, Jenny Bond, That cheerful Scottish bloke - to almost name three. There are plenty more, and more still in the pipeline. I wish Lorne well in her and her husband's commercial endeavours, but I do sincerely hope that she is encouraged to leave TV presenting behind.
With such a wide range of daytime TV programmes in production, there is a danger of blandness and fatigue creeping in as presenters struggle through long runs. We need people whose enthusiasm is maintained and who really do enjoy meeting the members of the public who give so much to make these shows a success.
Come on, Auntie, help us out here.
What is it with this woman? I don't want to hear any more about her or see her,I actually wanting to punch her lights out right now.
Ahh... is that the desired effect you wanted?
Posted by: Rebecca | September 05, 2006 at 04:49 PM