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« Just for Ian | Main | In the morning... »

June 29, 2006


Liz Marshall

It was shear, unmitigated pleasure to advance your domestic capabilities.


Did you sing 'I'm hanging out the washing for the very first time, Ah-hmmmmmm ah-hmmmmmmm!!

Mr. Mavin

For me .... hanging washing is a pleasure. I am lucky to have mots of drying space and so I am am to fully extend all clothes when drying, therefore saving time and effort on the ironing process. ... (I also love Ironing by the way). But good efforts for your first time Andy, Idea was good execution needs work.


You love ironing...

Mr. Mavin

Oh yes .... when I was a student, I would iron a plastic sack of clothes for £10 a time while I listened to allthe classical music I need to learn. It is one of the many ...... sorry ...... few things Louise deciced to marry me.




Well Done! Report card reads 10 out 10 for effort however does not exceed expectations!


Rebecca does the same to my washing.


Ah but Jason, it wasn't my first time. Although at Griffin House, our washer/dryer was used to the full.

Yes, rach, effort for sure, but not complete success. I have now been helped by my elder and better, so learning is afoot.


Can I just say, I have never done that type of hanging and that Ian is lying.


He really is...

Liz Marshall

Tut, tut, Ian.

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