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June 17, 2006


Liz Marshall

Nearly makes me feel I was there with you. I can't wait!!!!


I feel like I've lived there most of my life now. Lovely - thanks.


Feels like home already :-)


Reminds me of how exited I was at the prospect of living in NBTS.
Of course, once your here the harsh reality of it all hits...

claire Cooper

looks great - looking forward to the House warming party!


Ooooooooh yes! A house warming party. Will there be a hog roast? Or garlic soup?


Need to party before you change anything?


Yeah! Let's trash the place!

Andy Curtis

AndyBlog wishes to thank its readership for their kind comments, and to assure all readers that, in general, their comments of any type are valued and appreciated.

However, Jason will be contacted by our solicitors due to the offensive nature of his comment here.

Watch the blog for full details fo the court case, as well as exclusive photos.


Ohhh, you could have waited and had to call the police and I would have taken all responsibility....can't blame a girl for trying.


I like the sound of the Hog Roast! NIce picci the little blue boats with red & white sails are aclled "Toppers" Very small very indestructable, and have top hats printed onto their sails!

Andy Curtis

Mmmm....hog roast on the beach. I do like the idea, but I doubt we'd get permission so to do. We'd need to raost it for a coupla days, I reckon - and man it round the clock.

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