Of course, in the USA, moving house means exactly that. Seven bedroomed luxury detached dwelling, no problem.
Thankfully, things are a little different here, at least for TL and myself.
The simple fact is that we are going to be moving. Well, at least that is the current illusion. It's kinda hard to believe that it will really happen, given the succession of ups and downs that we have had to believe were “all in the plan”.
Sometimes that belief has been stretched to and maybe even beyond breaking point. Sadly, the nature of what we are trying to do is such that everything has to come together in one co-ordinated move. Either that, or a large amount of faith is required.
OK, so it's faith at the ready.
The house in Huddersfield is now under offer from a very credible buyer, we just have to hope that there are no significant problems with the survey. All being well, there should not be.
Our most liked house in Newbiggin-by-the-Sea (NBTS) is, by what I can only describe as “a bit of a miracle”, available for us to buy. We viewed it, we loved it, we offered on it, we were outbid. Then that buyer dropped out, so we offered again, but the Huddersfield house was not sold at that point so we could not proceed. Someone else then offered on the NBTS property and all seemed lost again, except that they then lost their buyer and were unable to proceed. So, at this third time of asking we now have made a proper offer on the house and had it accepted.
This feels good. Very good indeed, actually.
Nevertheless, there is still much uncertainty to be dealt with, particularly relating to TL's work. The interview process continues, however, and she will, no doubt, have to attend at least one more before that important part of the picture falls into place. I think this is where the faith comes in.
The upshot of these developments is that my hope is re-ignited and i feel a lot less trapped here in Huddersfield. My life is in the North East, and I am keen to continue it as soon as possible.
I was actually reaching a point whereby I needed to consider the possibility that I was wrong about a great many things - even entertaining the thought that my life should be somewhere else. I guess this was a function of the lack of progress. If every door slams shut it's hard to come to any other conclusion than we were trying the wrong doors.
Thankfully, such thoughts are now banished. The most painful part of all that would have been leaving the North East by default, rather than by intent. I have not said goodbye there, merely “cheerio for now”. When I consider leaving that most wonderful part of the world, my heart sinks.
I enjoy looking down the barrel of the gun, though. By considering leaving, I can see how very keen I am to stay. It's good advice to anyone - go ahead and consider your most dreaded outcome. It might be less scary than you thought, and so you might change your direction a little. On the other hand, it might make you realise that what you presently have is very precious, and thus show you how hard you need to fight for it. This is where I am at now.
I really do long to be back in the North East, amongst people that I know, going around the places I know and love. I grew up in Yorkshire, but I am a stranger here now. Each journey up is a little tease for me.
Hey, I got it bad, I was even thinking how nice the Team Valley was...