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« Thanks Treocentral | Main | In the Swim »

March 28, 2006



Yes many thanks for a wonderful night to all and don't worry Andy, your secret is safe with me.

Intrigued, I was too, when during one of Andy's peaceful moments, he suddenly blurted out his inner-most, private thoughts. Then suddenly he opened his eyes frantically scanning the room, vaguely aware of his unguarded moment and wondering if anyone else had heard too.....

I had, mmmmmmmmm....interesting, very interesting.


Whatever I said was definitely an intentional joke. Definitely. Very funny too, I'll warrant.

A joke - do you see?


I saw alarm.....


I think I saw a lama...


Whatever you saw, you were talking to it and trying to put a saddle on it. Well, I assume that to be true as you asked me to help by holding a bit while you mounted


Llama, thats a kind of sheep isn't it?


(Laughs into her coffee so as to cause ripples)You lot are pricelss - the BBC would pay big money for scrpits like this


Scrpits are like scripts only they come out in the right order:-)


I just checked, and all the people who comment on my Blog actually /are/ scriptwriters.

Amazing, isn't it?

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