I get to blog this one, because TL had her turn last week.
The swimming was better than ever this time. Helped by the fact that we had a little bit longer to enjoy the almost naughtily decadent delights of the private pool.
The reason being that the owners were away and left their friend in charge, and I think she just took our money and went for her tea, or maybe to make some black pudding, skin a sheep or whatever Yorkshire women are supposed to do at that time.
This left us relatively free to lie back and relax in the utterly private waters. Private is the operative word. I am just about as self-conscious as a person can be, and with good reason, when it comes to anything approaching nudity - especially my own.
This place even has a special notice on the windows which reads: “No-one will ever look through the windows.” Very comforting, but why put the windows there in the first place? I took a sneak peek through one, mainly to see what the terrible fate might be for such a crime, only to decide that the really strict punishments were probably reserved for the unfortunate people looking in from the other side of the glass. So, as we left, I did that too, just for good measure.
I'll let you know.
As you can see, there is a main pool, and then the jacuzzi thingy at the far end of the pool. This gives rise to an element of strategy. The pool is considerably cooler than the spa, so it's a good idea to enjoy the pool first and then finish off in the tub.
Because it's so hot, the pool feels decidedly chilly afterwards. Then, when the time is up the horrid business of getting dressed ensues. Suddenly the place feels gaspingly hot again. Finally, when stepping outside, the cool breeze is very welcome.
I do love the swimming. It's good for me and it's definitely fun. I actually took some video this time, so you could see the place a bit better.
Then my mind wandered a little...
Click HERE to watch my video.
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