I remember it very differently, from twenty years ago. This view wasn't even possible then, because there was a large pub and restaurant in the way. Now all that is gone and the top of Huddersfield's most famous hill feels like a derelict wasteland. Rubbish is strewn everywhere now that there is no commercial endeavour to care for the land.
I found it poignant and sad, and I hope my picture conveys that.
Do you have a Castle Hill Then?
Posted by: Ian | January 15, 2006 at 09:28 AM
Dramatic....is what it conveys to me.
Posted by: Rebecca | January 15, 2006 at 10:24 AM
Well, any response is good. I'm glad you found it dramatic.
Posted by: AndyC | January 15, 2006 at 11:06 AM
When I was a kid, coming back from holiday, Castle Hill was the thing we looked out for to tell us we were getting near home. It can be seen from miles around. Originally it was a hill fort dating from the Iron Age. The tower was built to commemorate Queen Vistoria's Diamond Jubilee.
There was supposed to be a consultation about the site's development, but all the links about it are dead. It's very sad that it is in such a state.
Posted by: Liz Marshall | January 15, 2006 at 11:15 AM
Are you down at the moment Andy?
Posted by: Jason | January 15, 2006 at 11:33 AM
er... sorry - no - I appreciate how you feel - but - upon first seeing the picture and not having read your words - I thought - just - WOW. In the genre of romantic epic photographs - this is right up there. I see no rubbish - I perceived the remnants of ice and snow on a windswept moor a la Wuthering Heights. Maybe you had to be there:-) In this instance I'm glad I wasn't - cos 'my' take on this feels much more a place I want to be. Hope that makes sense?
Posted by: Jac | January 15, 2006 at 12:43 PM
Photos are wondeful things.
Posted by: Liz Marshall | January 15, 2006 at 01:21 PM
Thats me at the top of the tower, actually it couldn't be could it, I probably wouldn't be able to see over the wall, just through the gaps.
Posted by: Rebecca | January 15, 2006 at 01:46 PM
Jac - thanks for your comments. I do consider any picture that evokes an emotion to be a success, so thank you for sharing that.
Obviously, I usually have to make do with emotions like fear, anger and also frustration, so this "WOW" reaction is a very welcome departure. :)
I would actually love to bring you all down to Yorkshire one time, so that you can see where I grew up. It is a very beautiful place. Maybe we should arrange a mini-bus and have a North-East sortie?
Would make a smashing day out. Chips at Compo's cafe...unbelievable custard slices in Holmfirth, an old fashioned ironmongers, spectacular views, kite flying on Castle Hill and a big wet sloppy kiss from TL for each and everyone.
Then a cramped and uncomfortable journey back with at least one person feeling "a bit sick" and people in turn demanding a stop for the toilet. Then the vehicle would break-down and it would takes ages for the RAC man to arrive. Eventually you would be taken to a service station, where you would experience what, in later life many of you would come to refer to as "the best cup of tea ever".
Finally, you would make it back home utterly exhausted at about 2.30am, and the only thing that would get you up in the morning would be the desire to be the first to blog about it.
Then there would be a bloody blogging war, in which each member of the outing-party would in turn write more and more elaborate accounts of what took place that day - ending in an account by Jason which includes references to the police, army, a bomb disposal team, a proctologist and several disenfranchised left-wing politicians.
This would, quite naturally, lead to Jason being arrested again and taken away to Gwan"toon"ermo Bay (as they call Newcastle Police station) and questioned regarding the disappearence of several Yorkshire chip-shop owners.
Pressure put on Rebecca and Ian to be witnesses would then throw their household into near collapse, leading to me being eaten up with guilt at having suggested the trip in the first place.
In any case, my world would be at an end, having watched each of you in turn being kissed indulgently by TL. I predict either suicide or me joing the TA, only to be killed in Iraq because of an unexplained exploding piano. No-one will attend my funeral.
Right......so.....who's up for it?
Posted by: AndyC | January 16, 2006 at 10:23 AM
Literally fantastic twaddle Andy. But nevertheless a really awesome picture. Thank you.
Posted by: Tim the Enchanter | January 16, 2006 at 12:39 PM
Crumbs, I am worn out and haven't even got on the bus yet.
Posted by: Rebecca | January 16, 2006 at 01:52 PM