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December 23, 2005



Well Andy,you are completely right. You will not begin to grieve for your marraige until it is completely left behind. All marraiges whether amicable or abusive will leave unanswered questions and lots of thought, but when you do come through on the other side you will be richer in personality and understanding beyond even your own expectations. I went through a lot, but feel better for it and wouldn't change who I am.
So we are all with you and wish you well on this coming journey.




I wish you well, Andy. You were there for me when my last longterm relationship suddenly combusted, and helped me an enormous amount. My thoughts are with both you and Liz.


You would never be alone in NBTS
Although, if it came to a choice between us and TL I can see why you made your decision.


Best wishes, Andy.

Liz Marshall

Imposter? Disguised?
You are very welcome to live in my hobbit hole. Sorry I can't manage the round back door .... or front door.
Which will you call it?


Hi Andy!! I wish you well. Cheer up !! I'm also divorced. The beginning it isn't easy but worth it.

Tim the Enchanter

Honest, poignant, touched with pathos...but at the same time tinged with his hallmark humour...a wonderful post from a wonderful man. Thanks Andy!


So what's the B1 stand for? I am intrigued! I wouldn't worry about felling like an impostor because well I won't be there! It will be me that will feel like an impostor for a time until I find something more permanent. It has to be done, it will be easier to move out before really really having to, peel the plaster slowly, that's my philosophy!

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