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November 21, 2005



Glad you both had time to think - what ever happens it will be strange at first - but at least you will both be together and happy!


Tried breathing exercise, then again, again and again, quite dizzy and disorientated. It worked your right, thats how I'm feeling today.


I passed out.


Thanks Ruth - you're not far wrong there, I'm sure.

Thanks Rebecca - Don't do it too much, or we'll have to give you something akin to inveerse mouth-to-mouth - a process whereby Jason will be forced to suck the excess Oxygen out of your lungs. Obviosuly, no-one wants this to happen.

Jason - Well, at least it's a good rest for you. Be careful though, because we may have to get Rebecca in to perform something akin to inverse mouth-to-mouth - a process whereby Rebecca will be forced to suck the excess Oxygen out of your lungs. Obviosuly, no-one wants this to happen.


Andy - some of the photos you post display a remarkable place. I think you're fortunate to live where you do, with access to the places you visit.


Hey Tom.

You could be right. The countryside around here is great. We should appreciate it more.

Thanks for stopping by.

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