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November 25, 2005



Agh! I was half way through writing an eerily similar entry on my blog when I read this! In essence, I agree with you 100%. I barely raised a smile with the first episode, although the second did warrant the odd snicker. Sometimes too much of a good thing is indeed bad. Look at Fawlty Towers - screamingly funny and now a part of our culture, yet only 12 episodes in existence. The Little Britain backlash starts here, and it's all your fault, Andy :-)


Yes Andy, I admit to having the same reaction to well worn gloves as you do - they are't funny, but keep your hands warm.


Unless of course they're so worn that some of the finger ends are holed, or there's a split somewhere in the side, or something like that. Sorry - I didn't make my last comment clearly enough.


I must not share the same sense of humour as I would be glad if they just disappeared all together.


Musn't share the same sense of humour as the other 10,000,000 viewers either, then :)


The success of a comedy program and its intrinsic funniness are, sadly, not as causally related as we might wish.


Thankfully yes Frank, I like that feeling of being just a little bit special and not being part of the common denominator :)


Hey, 50 million dung beetles can't be wrong, either :)

But on the other hand, I agree with you - whatever happens to be popular usually irritates the life out of me as well.


At the risk of being 'populist' or 'antipopilist'- I am with Rebecca- I smile not at their antics. Lots of anties here.
Autie Jac


At the risk of being 'populist' or 'antipopilist'- I am with Rebecca- I smile not at their antics. Lots of anties here.
Auntie Jac


Oh dear - I seem to be in stereo. Sorry. :-(

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