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October 20, 2005


John Cooper

Surely, this is the much-lauded Open Sandwich. Staple of gastro pubs, and curse of the executive tie (not that I've ever worn an executive tie. One up point of yours and Jason insomnia is waking up to a new blog entry. Maybe, there could be a rota?

Liz Marshall

T Cut ... of course. Stunningly clever and amazingly simple. Well done!
.... Now what shall I have for lunch ... mmmm .... maye a nice ham sandwich, or how about some lemon curd on nice fresh bread.


what is T cut?


T-Cut is a fluid that men use to wipe on their cars.

Tim the Enchanter

This is true commitment Andy. Well done.


and women use it too - in fact I stole my dad's as I needed to address some paint issues on my clio - but then I crashed it and no amount of t cut was going to make that better! Now it is in the boot of my pug and I am going to use ha ha ha!

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