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September 12, 2005



Apparently this here garlic soup doesn't actually taste of garlic! Strange concept indeed... especially as our kitchen stank of it for 3 days!


So, Louise, did you actually taste it?

When we took it to the festival, away from our house smelling of garlic, many people reported that soup did not taste of garlic - at least not as they imagined.

Personally, I cleverly made the soup, and then left the house for three days, so it should be safe to return today.

I feel I should apologise for inflicting the smell on you, particularly if you were unable to enjoy any soup.


I bet the soup was delicious Andy - especially after adding your extra special secret ingrdient! Mmmmm


Hey, Andy, you weren't the only blogger there: see shewhomust over on LiVEJOURNAL. (

She describes the soup as "excellent", with which I concur. It was sweet and nutty, and not nearly as garlicky as I had expected it to be. But then if the smell was left behind in the house ...


Thanks for your comment in my LJ, Andy.

I'm glad there's going to be a next time, and that there'll be more of a web presence for the garlic farm - no need to wait until next year, unless this year's harvest is already sold out!


Ah, Jean, thank you. :)

I have duly Live-Bookmarked your journal, and will be watching for further gems of wisdom.

I wish, now, that I had not written such a glib account of the day. I had no idea of the sheer level of scrutiny!

Anyhow, thanks for dropping by.

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