I almost never want heavy pieces of equipment falling on my feet, especially feet that are not too well to start with. I'd lay good money that you don't like that sort of thing happening to you either.
Sadly, this is exactly what happened to me on Monday at about 1.45pm. I was placing my keyboard back in its rightful place in my studio when my hands slipped, leaving the keyboard free to drop to the floor. Regrettably, I was unable to get my foot out of the way in time and it took the full force of the fall.
I don't remember ever being in such excruciating pain. Whilst I knew that this was the kind of pain that would certainly ease off in time, it seemed to me that this time was considerably longer than would normally be covered by the term: “brief acute discomfort”.
After ringing NHS direct, I felt better, as they didn't know what to do either. So, rather than running off down to casualty I decided to simply sit it out. After a couple of hours thrashing around and making a sickening variety of “noises of discomfiture”, the pain started to ease, although walking was all bar impossible.
Now it is Wednesday and I am all relaxed out. I really am tired of being horizontal and so am risking a little vertical in the hope of being at least half-prepared for my planned journey down to Huddersfield tomorrow. If I can build a couple of computers and manage not to scream too much, it might just be possible, although I am pretty sure most people will advise me not to go.
I really think “bloodyminded” should be my middle name. I just hope I never cross the line into “foolhardy”.
I would give you the middle name of "Tenacious". Hope your foot is mending x
Posted by: Cal | August 04, 2005 at 07:09 PM
You hum it son and I'll sing it. Pleeeese get well soon - I unselfishly need you - to practice with Jason, Anita and myself next week. Which incidentally you're supposed to be talking to Mr Thompson about.
Posted by: christine | August 07, 2005 at 11:27 PM
I spoke to him about it Christine, and although I was VERY keen, he said he'd rather push shards of contaminated glass into his sore foot. I'll have another go when he's crying less, but it might not be this week.
Posted by: Jason | August 08, 2005 at 09:28 PM