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August 14, 2005



Yeah - Ben Folds is great. He's coling to the UK in December for a tour, and I'll be going for one - we could get a group of us to go if you like. 12th I think, Manchester or Birmingham. My current favourite BF songs are Give Judy My Notice, Still Fighting It and The Luckiest. Great songwriter - could even take over from Jon Brion in my greatest list...and that's saying something.


Nice to see you like Mr Folds, Andy. I've admired his stuff since I first heard "Underground" on the radio back in 1995 when GLR, or BBC London as it now is, played quality new music (now it just seems to be 70s nostalgia and Frank bloody Sinatra!!). Seen him live once at The Forum on the last Ben Folds Five tour - well worth it. If he's coming your way I'd strongly advise getting tickets if you can.

Keeping it closer to home (well, your home anyway), if anyone wants to check out recent Geordie genius I can't recommend Field Music highly enough, as well as The Futureheads, although the latter is for lovers of noisy guitar pop, so that's probably not you, Andy.


Aussie Eloise

Hey Andy,

You may not know that Ben Folds lived in Australia for a few years. He wrote a song about his city of residence - Adelaide (in South Australia). He married an Australian women as well. Unfortunately for us Aussies, he has now returned to the USA.

And yes, he is a very talented musician


Hey Eloise! You found my cyper-slimetrail...

Nice to hear from you.

I do plan to go and see Ben Folds live, if I can. I'll email you...

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