What you see here, is an extract from a birthday card that I entirely failed to receive. I see that as a good and positive thing, and will happily stare quite hard at anyone who suggests otherwise.
It is, nevertheless, my birthday.
I have received a fair mix of nice things today, as is the custom, also a couple of puzzling ones - and a few totally inappropriate ones. I like that mix.
I'm coming to enjoy, more and more, the email greetings I receive. In particular, the automate ones:
From Iambic forums (Iambic make Agendus for PalmOS):
Hello Boris_The_Mule, We at iambic Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
From those beautiful people at Treo central (I love my phone):
Hello TwoSheds, We at TreoCentral.com would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
Feesch played a blinder:
On behalf of Feesch and all it's members, I wish you a very happy birthday!
Oh by the way, we've automatically updated your age for you to '40'.
Here's one from Biggap Ricks:
Of course, you've always dreamed of a bigger 'friend' to make those romantic nights yet more beautiful and exciting - well, now you can...
I guess I should just say thanks very much to all who got in touch - including the many also offering me excellent pre-approved mortgage rates, free holidays, reasonably priced non-prescription Viagra and, of course, sure-fire penis extension solutions.
I think, however, I'll keep to my original factory issue, despite the convincing advertising, because I know that I am equipped to give a lady the best 3 seconds of her life - and that's good enough for me.
I fear I may have strayed a little in this posting, but I figure you will all read it anyway, because after all, it IS my birthday.
eeek - I hadn't expected my real identity to be revealed to the world merely by wishing you many happy returns!
Posted by: Cal | July 18, 2005 at 04:15 PM
I saved you, Cal. You'll have to wish it me again,a little more anonymously...
Posted by: AndyC | July 18, 2005 at 04:52 PM
Phew....Hippy Birdhop to you! x
Posted by: Cal | July 18, 2005 at 07:06 PM
Happy birthday, Andy!
Posted by: tom | July 19, 2005 at 04:28 AM