In homage of the great blues song, sort of. Please click on the “black” picture to see the full movie.
We had a humdinger of a storm last night, and great fun it was. I regret that I failed to capture the best of it, but this tiny video might give you a little taster.
It's been hot here, jolly hot. Very close and oppressive. I have found it very hard to get any work done at all. So, it was with a considerable degree of relief that we realised there was to be a thunderstorm.
I just stood at the window and marvelled at the majesty of it all - nature in full cry, demanding attention. I was happy to oblige, just sorry that I didn't get my recording gear out sooner.
Today has been much nicer weather for working. Pleasantly cool, but still warm, if you know what I mean. I know that I could never live and work in warm climates. They're great for holidays, but not so good for working.
I have been amazed by how warm Cambridge actually gets. It has been positively Mediterranean these last few days. How anyone passes a fancy degree in this weather I'll never know.
So, as a result of Fiona working these last three days, and me nearly working, we have done no real holiday things, except from a couple of meals out and a visit to the pictures last night.
We saw The League Of Gentlemen's Apocalypse at the crummy VUE cinema in Cambridge's Grafton Centre. (It's like the Metro Centre, only pants) The movie was nothing special. I'd have been happier seeing three episodes back to back on a big screen, I think. Feel free to argue. No, really.
Orange have kindly agreed to send out my new phone to this holiday address. I do hope they find me OK...
(Yes, Robin, that's right......Treo650 £49.99)