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April 10, 2005



Yes, Amy will take some beating!


Hi Andy,

I hope that you don't mind me reading your blog. I just happened to surf in some time ago, and you write about interesting things, and I like hearing about life in the UK. My grandad used to tell stories about life in Glasgow, but those were stories told by an old man who took much creative license with actual facts. So I find it interesting to read about a life in progress, as it were. You seem to travel regularly, and your work sounds interesting. The leg problem must be unpleasant, but such is actual life. And the top- notch video of your dog eating your leg was perfectly priceless, causing great guffaws and laughter.

At any rate, I apologize if my being a stranger commenting on your studio freaked you out.


Tom - please don;t worry - it was a tricky thing to express on a blog. Not meaning you at all.

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