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April 13, 2005


Aaron the Chanteuse

I suffer from shinybrowness a lot in photos. Any professional would have asked me to dab it with talc. I'm apalled. Harumph.


Do u realise Aaron that you are calling yourself a woman?
Does that add to the shinybrowness, making it shinierbrowness?
My guess is that Andy could have dabbed it for you in photoshop... however the reasons why he didn't could be multiple!


Aaron: What can I say? The camera never lies...

Louise: A man as ugly as myself has to do what he can to bring the others down to my level.

Aaron le Chanteuse

Andy: Obviously you've taught your camera to Lie.

Louise: This is 2005, are men not allowed to occasionally dab their foreheads with talc so as to reduce the level of shine?


Aaron: I was actually referring to your French!

Andy: What can I say?!!!!

Aaron le Chanteur!!!!!


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