Truth fascinates me. People seem obsessed with truth, and proof - for all kinds of things. As far as I am concerned, truth remains as elusive as ever, and those who feverishly seek the truth often end up chasing rainbows.
I ended up thinking about truth again when that old chestnut of whether the bible is true or not came up in conversation. Without answering that question as such, I would ask you to consider this:
Suppose you witnessed a road accident, along with 19 other people, and a witness statement was taken from each person. Imagine, then, that these statements were all printed out and made into a book. The book would then contain 20 accounts of the same event - all of them true as each witness saw it. Needless to say, they would all be factually different and would contain much that resulted from the witness's state of mind, cultural background, their views about driving and their physical position whilst witnessing the event.
The question which I am considering is this: Could such a book be considered to be true?
Very interesting! As an athiest, I'll refrain from adding to this conversation. As to general truth and falsity, I also agree that the concept is very fuzzy indeed.
Posted by: tom | February 26, 2005 at 05:45 AM
Even bible commentators agree that there are discrepancies created by the very type of situation you site. So yes, I would consider such a book to be true. I would also contend that the bible contains many truths. So whether one believes it to be wholly true or not, it's still well worth reading and taking note of.
Posted by: Liz | February 26, 2005 at 10:04 AM
Tom, I don't think being an athiest really affects this particular discussion - although I am cheered to see that you are a person who believes in something.
I guess my faith is much the same, just directed differently. :)
Posted by: AndyC | February 26, 2005 at 10:53 AM
it isn't a simple task, but you're not suggesting to give up and stay with the opiates are you? (not that I've anything against then ;).
Re, bible truth: perhaps what was implied in your conversation, Andy, was more than accidental interpretation, but how much the original bible script may have been readjusted by an ancient 'attorney general' on behalf of political motivation. Worth considering as priests once enjoyed the kind of power, position and privilege - and responsibility for our state of mind and well-being - politicians aspire to nowadays. All in the interests of the people of course..
Conjectural, but in light of what we see in those who seek positions of power at least worth bearing in mind. Truth is the proverbial needle - it exists everywhere and though hard to tell from straw it's still an indispensible tool and so worth the effort.
Posted by: Rich | March 02, 2005 at 10:10 AM
Hi Rich - Oh I do believe that th Bible has been a victim of religious leaders editing it. I don't actually think much belief is needed there.
I suppose, what I'm saying is that despite all the different stages the bible has gone through, and the intrusion of authorities with questionable motives, the bible still maintains a remarkable amount of consitency and "truth". Enough to justify its position as the primary text of an entire religion.
What baffles me, is the need of some people, to cling to tiny verses from this epic, and to style major sections of their life based on these fragments. Often with little or no personal research, and maybe as a result of peer pressure, or simply religious rhetoric.
My greatest fear is that some people's search for truth amounts to little more than starting with a desired outcome and then searching the Bible for supporting verses.
Truth is an illusive creature, and sometimes I feel I have encoutered it, even if only for a brief moment and for a single issue.
I'm grateful for the insights I get, as and when they come. What scares me is those who are completely confident of possessing the whole truth on many issues - all the time.
Thanks for keeping the discussion going... it interests me.
Posted by: AndyC | March 02, 2005 at 05:26 PM