See? Much better.
The only down side is the cellulitis which has spread to just below my left knee. A mere detail, I'm sure.
So, the scary bit is over and now I must just look after myself, keep taking all of the many tablets and pray I don't end up in hospital again - something which would be totally annoying.
The previous posting is now totally embarrassing, but I suppose I will leave it. It's a warning to everyone not to blog when delirious.
Have a nice day, wherever you are.
Glad to see you're not as bad as if you were utterly horrid, even if you're not yet as good as you might be if you were completely splendid.
Posted by: Jo | January 30, 2005 at 12:30 PM
I have total faith that you will once more return to your delightfully abnormal self.
Posted by: Jac | January 30, 2005 at 04:53 PM