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December 20, 2004



Wonderful stuff - and look at your photo! Tree flashing away, reindeer snuffing daintily - is it the Lynx effect? :-)


Idid, of course, mean sniffing. :-(

Tim the Enchanter

That reindeer's going to develop one hell of a crick in its' neck by Christmas Eve!

Jason Thompson

The reindeer is truly lovely, but please settle an argument for us. I am of the opinion that the reindeer is grafted to your right hip, as a sort of mammalian stabilising appendage, and Toni thinks it's growing out of your bottom. Which is it?


Cal - Yes, the reindeer really is snuffing. It's a reindeer of death that I am currently trying to rehabilitate.

Tim - I don't want you to worry too much about the reindeer. It'll be OK. No animals were harmed during the construction of my Christmas persona.

Jason - You're a very silly man, and I won't answer you.

Tim the Enchanter

I think the reindeer is hiding behind you Andy because its been startled by the flashing Christmas tree lights.


Yes, I've had another look, and that is clearly what is happening. Thank you, Tim. Once more, your intelligenc e and insight has triumphed over all.

Jason Thompson

After detailed analysis we have decided for certain that in fact YOU are growing out of the bottom of the reindeer. Apologies for any misunderstanding.

Tim the Enchanter

won't the heat from those lights melt the lovely snow on the trees branches?


Tim, it's a concern which I understand completely. I feel I should assure you that the snow is special "indoor snow" which is quite happy with the minimal heat from our smashing low-life-ultra-organic-energy-efficient lightbulbs.


Is that a raindeer or a snow dear? sorry I'm not feeling myself today

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