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December 30, 2004



That is just superb - I have to ask why you would do that, but it made me laugh more than in ages, despite daughter #3 saying "Mum, get that annoying advert off, NOW!!!!"

Dan Biggisch

That crazy frog sound, has been on the internet for ages. Jamster/Jamba has stolen the sound and pretends its one of their own guys who has invented the sound after a "wet party"
Shame on you Jamster/Jamba


Your Crazy Frog audio is just great. My dog tries to imitate it each time I play it. Just too many possible laughs here.


Well, I'm glad it's fun.



Its awesome! its legendary


Hahahaha.. Pointless but oh so funny. :o)


Lol. I love that song... but that guy just sounds so........ normal.


I am tempted to have a go at it myself.

Perhaps even more pointless!


I recently lost my cell phone and had this as my ringtone. Was given to me as a gift. Would like to find the site so I could get it on my new phone as I no longer have contact with person who gave it to me originally.

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