I saw this in an article recently, and it gave me a refreshing reminder.
“I mean, the teachings of Jesus are a great moral guide. Jesus is one of the greatest role models I can think of. It's a shame that Christianity has gone so far from the teachings of Jesus. I don't know anyone less Jesus-like than most Christians.”
Bill Maher
For me, saying I am a Christian matters not one bit, either to me or those I know. Now, if I could actually act like one...
Amongst the thoughts that occur to me are, firstly, I'm amazed Bill Maher knows 'most Christians' well enough to be so critical, and secondly, well, the point of being a Christian is to have a relationship with Jesus and God, and yes, to strive to learn from and be like them. But that doesn't mean we ARE like them, and we'll never truly be 'Christlike'. We're human, with all of the things that entails, stupidity, immaturity, selfishness and wrongdoing amongst them. Being a Christian is a relationship and a journey, not a destination.
Posted by: Jason | November 08, 2004 at 05:51 PM
It's always the same, no-one comments on a serious posting for ages, then WHAM! Right between the eyes.
I'll pass your comments on to my good friend Bill and I'm sure he'll literally shake with shame and regret, just as I did.
Posted by: AndyC | November 08, 2004 at 06:02 PM
I know how you feel Andy, I am more like him than I was but that just makes me see what a huge distance I still have to travel.
Posted by: Pat | November 09, 2004 at 08:19 AM