Hello to you.
I am aware that I have been either posting trivialities here or nothing at all of late. You've already guessed why. Yes, unfortunately, the problems with my leg have not gently eased back into a healing pattern, and have, instead, careered off into a downward spiral of more worserness.
Some things from the original bout are continuing to heal, but the core infection of cellulitis is back, and seems to be spreading further up my leg, threatening to start on my thigh. As I feel that dread burning sensation I wonder how much more pain, discomfort and mental anguish I must go through.
Poor poor me. Poor me - look at me, I'm so-o-o-o-o ill. Poor me.
(please use this as a refrain, inserting my name if you are not me)
I even wonder whether I should post this entry, as it will cause alarm in some quarters - annoyance in others and generally be depressing. All I can say is that I made myself a solemn promise when I started this blog to be completely honest and not to edit. I am a perfectionist, and so it would never be right, therefore - etc. (Thanks for this tip, Stuart Smalley)
The worst thing for me is the sickly sweet smell of the pus from the wounds. It follows me everywhere and, even at a dressing change, barely goes away now. If there is anyone in the medical profession out there who knows of a good way to fight it, I would be glad to hear it.
My doctor returns from holiday on Friday, so I should see her as soon as possible. I do wonder what state I will be in by then, or whether I should give in and see the other doctor. I don't know. All I really know is that the pain is so bad I can barely type, or think straight.
So, because of all this, I have decided not to write a blog entry today.
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